I Love You Now. Unconditionally. – The Lesson of Twin Flame Relationships

twin flame heart

Can I ask you something?

I always wondered.

About the “Divine” habits and processes.

This Twin Flame nonsensical process.

Yes, its about spiritual development and letting go of old relationship paradigms.


You ask yourself over and over again.

Why I deserve this? What have I done to deserve all of that nightmare?

You just found the most magical person to share everything with.

And you are surrendered in their arms, with a sense of knowing.

“Hey, I know you! We are alike! We’ve been together for so many lifetimes. I know.”

And you hug each other for hours literally every time. And you are experiencing a portion of a heaven you always believed in, in a way. And then… they stare into your eyes.

And the silence of the Universe becomes music in your ears as they penetrate deep into your soul.

You hold them by the hand and you run, you run, they run…

You dance, you laugh, you are alive, more than ever in your life. All is more than magical.

Everyone can see that connection you have. It’s more than vibrant, it’s more than any word can describe…

And you fell in love. And then the show begins.

Fears appear. Fear of losing them. You want them all yours. You want to make sure they are real, not just another play of the Fate.

And hell yes is more than a game this time.

Suddenly all crumbles apart. With no reason. And they run. Away. Due to their fears and insecurities. Due to whatever reason. And you left behind.

Feeling betrayed one more time in this f’d up life of yours. And you try to run after them. And you run, you run again. Broken in ways no one can understand.

How is it possible for someone who loves you so much, someone who experiences all these wonderful and magical moments to just go away, you ask yourself.

Nothing makes sense. And here you are. In your own dark corner, afraid of everything, again. There is nothing left for you to do.

And eventually, you surrender. But where? To a fate that took away what you love most?

To circumstances that betray your dignity and self-respect? No.

You surrender to the idea that you can’t control anything in life.

You surrender to a process of transmutation.

Of healing. Healing of old hidden broken love expectations.

And as the pain destroys every part of your Ego, you release everything.

And now that you lost them you realize that you love them, no matter what they did to you. You love them unconditionally. Without having them close to you. As you love yourself more than before now.

But then again you don’t want to see them again. You are afraid. You are tired of falling in love with whoever cares less. You can’t trust them anymore and it’s ok.

You seek for communication. For contact. For mutual love and understanding.

Now repeat after me: “I deserve equal and mutual love. I deserve recognition and respect as I love and respect myself first.”

But then again is so tough… So cruel… It rips you apart each day. You don’t want to wake up again. You had enough. You walk around like dead, without any dreams, without hope, with nothing left… Your eyes turn empty. Emotionless.

But then again is ok. As you left with nothing to desire, as all you loved and cared faded away, you left with nothing but a different desire.

A desire to help others not to feel like you did. To help them love themselves enough so they won’t suffer as you did. And that is all about. A process that will eventually lead you to your main purpose and mission in life.

So if you are under this process remind yourself. I am not who I think I am. I am more than that. I came here to serve, help and support as I came here to fulfill my higher purpose.

Life can be awesome. If you make that choice.

And HELL yes you deserve awesome hugs and amazing magical moments but make sure first that you get rid of any expectation and also you need to remind yourself daily that all the love you seek out there, you already ARE. Love and Light to all of you. Make yourself a favor and focus on how awesome you already are.


Can You Handle This? What to Know Before Asking for a Twin Flame

I see so many people who try to manifest a Twin Flame union with so much passion.

People should not indulge in the romantic side of a Twin Flame union because there is no any…

Running and chasing and all of these games is nothing but the dance of our Egos that are clashing with each other while they try to dominate and it hurts badly.

And you fight until you surrender broken into a billion pieces.

(Click to read >>> The One Who Stayed Behind – The Separation Phase of Twin Flames )

Is nothing but a lesson, an alchemical process of bringing the feminine and masculine energies in one’s body and psyche in complete balance.

So at the end, you are going to be complete without the need of anything else either a partner.

It takes a loooot of pain both in the physical and emotional level no matter how strong you are mental as this process is needed for us to expand.

(Click to read >>> What I Learned From my Personal Twin Flame Experience (part 1) )

These Unions are sacred and they have to do with a process that, believe me, if you knew how it goes, you wouldn’t ask for it even in a million years!

Find a soulmate and take the lesson slowly. This is what you seek most probably.

Oh My Twin… – The Divine Cruel Lesson of Twin Flame Couples

You miss them. You look for them. Everywhere you stare they are there.

In your every heartbeat something is missing in the in between.

Without them, anything you do seems empty.

You can’t smile anymore.

Laughing is out of your vocabulary too.

All is gone. You left devastated broken like never before because they were everything you were seeking in your life.

They gave you moments to remember for a lifetime.

And now they are gone. Without explanation, with no reason.

They don’t reply to messages, to your phone calls and you are wondering what happened.

Confusion. You seek clarity like never before. You run after them.

Sometimes they come back with nonsensical excuses and only one hug makes you forget everything and forgive them.

And here we go. The dance begins. Runners, chasers, you name it. 

Unresolved issues they say. Fears and old karmic debts and so many other things that need healing…

And then you remember. You remember that in this process you forgot yourself.

You forgot how much you deserve love.

You start thinking that you might deserve mutual awesome respectful communication too.

Then again your Twin Flame is nothing of all of this. They run they hide.

They talk to you with a cold hearted attitude not even your enemy would. But that’s ok.

You should not judge them. Judge no one.

If you attracted such a connection it simply means this. You don’t love yourself enough.

And when I say enough I mean unconditional. No conditions, nothing.

This journey has one only purpose.

To awaken the hearts of the warriors of this planet.

By destroying them and their hearts you gonna say?


But by destroying each and every barrier the Ego has put there.

  • A codependent form of relationships?
  • Attachments of any kind?
  • Victimization and self-pity?
  • Allowing external circumstances affect your inner state of peace?
  • Expectations that remain unfulfilled?
  • Assumptions you make out of insecurities?

And now you realize that with all of these issues you had was impossible to have a healthy beautiful relationship with your companion. And now you thank the Universe for sending you the most peculiar and difficult test out there. To remove the clutter that didn’t allow Love to flow freely in your life.

Now my friend relax. Go within and let go of your Twin Flame. They are in your life for the purpose of healing first of all. So go within and find your self. Your Higher Self. Not any programmed Ego that leads you to unwanted results each and every time.

Love and Heal yourself, enjoy your life by helping other people to feel happy again! That’s your purpose here on this Earth. Not running after someone who didn’t care enough. This is their problem, not yours. Go and be the warrior you are.

OK. Now It’s Time To Talk About Real Twin Flames.

“We dived deep into our darkness, but when we saw light disguised as darkness, we couldn’t see ourselves.” -Alex Ftoulis

I would like to talk about Twin Flames. About real, raw, authentic, Twin Flames. This rare, unique and exaggerated in all of its aspects connection (not a relationship of any kind as it exceeds all that we all knew so far). And YES, I am one of the real rare Twins and I am not ashamed to show my pride for that, cause blood was shed in that process.

Let’s begin.

I was on a mission. Suddenly out of nowhere, I came up with the idea of creating a place where we could share our knowledge and services to people, especially the young people of our country. I had no intention or what so ever to meet my Twin Flame as I didn’t have a clue what was that, neither I was in a mood of any connection as I just left from a toxic relationship which also played role afterwards in me breaking up with my Twin.

(Click to read >>> 5 Crucial Things to Do When You Meet Your Twin Flame )

I would not go into details how I met her or what happened but I will talk about what matters the most.

From not wanting to make a connection to falling in love, heart chakra activation through the bubble phase, everything so intense down to the last second, everything so fast, synchronicities went to the roof. Everywhere 22 everywhere 33. I was 33 she was 22. Her house number 22, mine 33. Just endless… Then more numbers popped up. More crazy occurrences and syncs that made no explanation.

(Click to read >>>  Real Twin Flames & the Great Arcanum. The Truth Behind #my33)

We had a plan room dedicated to our business and mission where we planned our seminars but at the same time, we were decoding the sequences of the synchronicities where we discovered a lot of important information regarding the truth of the composition and functions of Reality and also about us individually.

I was the master teacher. She was the master builder. Together we were ONE. But the dynamic was just too strong to handle… Cause for a master teacher to be complete, a master builder must be in place to activate the currents of energies which will bring the desired alchemical psychosomatic transmutation required for the next step into this game of Ascension.

The channeling was out real from both of us to each other. We still can’t explain most of what happened. We kept “downloading” a ton of information, and we transferred it to endless pages of notepads day and night, almost literally.

Falling in love was intense. The moments? Simply magical. But it wasn’t all honey and fun. All the narcissistic behaviors were there, the running away with no explaining and without no apparent reason, no replying to anything beginning from 1 week and ending up 1 and a half  month where she appeared one day before my birthday to tell me she was leaving for some other country with no reason, no explanation, nothing.

(Click to read >>> Love. What a Beautiful Thing. The Real Battle of Twin Flames )

She actually asked me what was the worst thing she could ever do to me one day we had a conversation on unconditional love and she just did it.

No remorse. 

No reason. 

No emotions.

While we were so deep in love.

You see, fears can do a lot of things. BUT it’s not your Twin Flame. It’s YOU. The Twins are called like this, as they reflect ALL of your insecurities as they know you for lifetimes and lifetimes and they only want you to be free eventually. YES, they also have fears and issues but it’s not the blaming game when it comes down to Twin Flames. It’s just about the recognition of our own deepest personal issues which some of them are:

  • Escapism-Avoidance
  • Narcissistic Behaviours of any kind
  • Attachments in Relationships
  • Not having safe boundaries
  • Expectations of all kinds that exceed reality and they are out of our power
  • Learning how to Love under any circumstance.

(Click to read >>> What I Learned From my Personal Twin Flame Experience (part 1) )

We also knew instantly that we were connected through lifetimes of reincarnations and even with details. We had so many similarities, which still today I can’t find to anyone else. This is what makes Twin Flames so addictive. Their connection is so powerful and their harmonizing points just mesmerizing.

It’s everything you ever wanted.

But also at the same time, your worst fears are unfolding into the most chaotic and confusing reality you’ve been through. Your Twin is on a mission to deliver to you the lessons NO MATTER WHAT.

So you have to keep forgiving, listening and keep on moving. 

Twin Flames have a blend of a Soulmate, Karmic and Narcissistic taste and you finally know why? Because all of these attributes reside within you and need a proper balance in order for you to advance and to grow even further.

All these limitations are a nightmare for your Twin in the 5th dimension and they do everything they can in order to break these barriers away, and here in 3D it seems like they are runners, untrustworthy, narcissists,  etc, etc.

So we must never judge them, BUT if things already took a wrong turn just RUN. Because the Narcissistic Mode will be activated and the attacks will transcend in a different whole new level, making this mess a sheer horror movie.

Ok, now let me give you this little info.

HOW THE H@#$ do you think Universe will help you let go of your old egoic patterns which cause your limitations? By sending you an advertising flyer? NO. With the perfect trap which EVERYONE in this world would have fallen for.


The addictive kind of Love which is created mostly by Stockholm Syndrome and a variety of attachment psychological issues. THIS is the attraction point which the Universe uses to attract your Twin Flame. Your need to heal your other half and become complete. So you are mostly attracting wounded people or needy narcissists.

(Click to read >>>  Empaths & Narcissists. Is this The Real Karmic or False Twin Relationship?  )

You think I didn’t want her or I didn’t wish so many times that things didn’t turn out like that?

The emotions I felt during our connection both good and bad were out of this world. You are with this person both in Hell and in Heaven, you are connected in every possible way, BUT don’t expect to match completely now in this world.

She came back after almost 5 months but her own version of the story I heard it from her after a year from the date she left. And still, most of it didn’t make sense. The one I loved so much, just an empty cold hearted person which no one recognised. But you deeply know that this is not her. You know that you are both going through a highly advanced and well-designed process, able to change anyone, rapidly and in an extreme way.

One of this processes was the Dark Night of the Soul. We both went through this but when we were apart and at different countries. A process which left us literally with no smiles, no emotions, emptier than ever before. (I will talk about this experience in a different article). This particular process is ignited mostly by the energy dynamics of the “runner phase”, a trigger point which ignites the deepest, spiritual but dark process of the DNOTS.

See, real Twin Flames is not about a romantic fairytale, but a shocking, extreme, out worldly experience that shakes you, scares you, reveals all of your wounds and when is finished you can’t hate your Twin as you realize their extreme significance in your Path and Evolvement to your higher, better version of you.

How was your own experience? Is your Twin Flame still by your side or are you on different missions? Did you get the lesson, advanced and moved on? Let me know in the comments bellow.

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Falling in Love Again After a Twin (or False Twin) Flame Experience

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Many stories are out there describing the intensity of a Twin Flame relationship and the magical aspect of it. As also for the opposite but that for some reason doesn’t decrease the power of that connection at all but actually somehow increases it. So the question arises.

Will you be able to love someone again after this unique and out of this world experience?

Well, that is a question that bothers a lot of people out there especially those rare ones who just came out of this exhausting rollercoaster of endless “why’s” as it bothered me also for a long time.

The answer is quite not as you might expect it to be as it follows the same lines of a Twin Flame relationship.

You see your Twin Flame is both a reflection of your dark side as also of your most awesome one that you might don’t even know yet. So when you meet your awesome YOU in the eyes of your Twin, you get to know something exciting, amazing, thrilling, breath catching, but the first mistake is to attach all these attributes to them and not recognizing them in you. Simply because you never had the chance to get to know this part of you as it was blocked off from years of programming and all sorts of belief patterns.

So at a first glance, you are falling in love with yourself, but you still don’t know this! As this whole process of awakening to the real truth will come only when your Twin Flame will deliver the lesson and start “running” away till they completely vanish (unless there is a Venus Retrograde somewhere and they reappear again!).

Because only and only then you will start growing to your amazing YOU while trying to overcome the sh*load of depression issues, Dark Nights of the Soul and all these aftermaths of this relationship. While trying to let go and move on

To be able to love again though completely and in the normal human beautiful and unique way (not in that spiritual “I get to f*ck you all over and leave you” way) it will take some time as you need to go through the healing part (…again) which though will make you even stronger with safer boundaries therefore at the end of the day, when you will put all of this back together and realise that THEM is YOU, you will claim this awesomeness and YES you will be able to love again and find other awesome people and girlfriends and boyfriends. But that’s not the point.

They came in your life to teach you how to properly love and respect yourself as also everyone else, neither you like them or not

Life doesn’t end here. But your Twin Flame belongs and will always belong to a REALLY special place in your heart no matter what. And that’s because their presence in your life has a greater purpose and a high significance that your Soul and Being recognizes instantly.

Don’t be afraid to love and get hurt and have all these experiences. Fear is nothing but the opposite of Love. So choose wisely. Don’t allow your neediness or your excuses to attract unhealthy or karmic relationships again. Love yourself first completely and then go about loving someone else!

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What I Learned From my Personal Twin Flame Experience (part 2)

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Well the lesson you are about to get from your Twin Flame will not fit in a hundred articles, but I will try to point the most important ones, that will make your life easier, without the need to go through the lesson itself. Of course, sometimes in life, due to our stubbornness and inability to control our urges and emotions, the lesson is required, as the presence of your Twin Flame in your life.

What I Learned From my Personal Twin Flame Experience (part 2)

8) There is always something more. In you, in me, in everyone. A potential that we are afraid to reach for whatever reasons, a world that is there for us to reach. The transformation I personally went through when she did everything to manifest all of my hidden fears was immense and huge. In all the levels, from my psyche, my habits, my perception, to my body. Because we showed to each other that “hey, you are even more than this, why the f*ck don’t you claim this something more?”. And that something extra I discovered it when she left, while I was trying to overcome the Dark Night of the Soul. The regular exercises didn’t seem to soothe the pain, even the meditation the way I knew it didn’t work. So I had to find new ways, I had to advance everything, take everything to the next level. And every day I was discovering something more, cause I had to in order to escape the menace of the DNOTS procedure (which I am going to talk in an upcoming article)

9) You need healing. A deeper more effective one. Twin Flames are there cause you are wounded. And you are simply denying it due to the “warrior” profile you embraced long time ago in order to survive instead of suiciding. Defense mechanisms you see. And wounds can vary from thoughtforms of self-victimization, lack of self-esteem, memories of abuse in family, stories we keep telling of how love was absent from our lives, of how so many people betrayed us etc etc. And all these stories and all of these wounds must heal if you are about to go to your mission stronger than ever, huh? So, your little precious mirror, the one you will love the most, your precious Twin Flame will come to mirror all the issues YOU have and unfortunately you are not going to like this. Cause you are going to try to heal them but this will not work as they will keep running away, cause the only thing you need to fix is you!

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10) The game shows no mercy and so shall you. You have been in this life and you have witnessed the merciless approach of the Universe when it comes to everything. Oh, you can’t have this because of your psychological issues you were gifted from your parent’s abuse, or you can’t have this relationship because your vibration says I am needy BECAUSE of your parents and so on and so on. So instead of waiting on a compassionate God or human being to come and fix your issues and life, accept that life and Universe are simply mechanisms and YOU are holding the steering wheel. So go fix your issues, blame no one and reclaim your life by accepting NOTHING less than you deserve or want. Compromising is nothing less than accepting less than you deserve. Forget of compromise, old “humbleness” perceptions you might have inherited from your religion and allow your awesomeness to come to the surface to its fullest without guilt traps or procrastinations. So stop whining and show no mercy to your pathetic excuses that keep you away from what its best for you.

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(pic. Some of the notes I was taking while I was in the lesson and after – She was also writing a ton of info while we where together)

11) Anything can hurt your vibes and your life. She addressed everything, and I mean absolutely everything when it came down to what I do to my self that I shouldn’t. From the music I was listening to, the friends I was hanging around with, my habits, my diet (even if I was vegetarian, she insisted I should go vegan), my points of view, even about my sleep hours.

But that included her too though… Because my expectations for her wasn’t only about the goddamn lesson. I would love to spend my life with her, but her only purpose was to heal me completely. So I had to let go of that expectation too as it was hurting me badly.

  I had to let go of everything that I was ignoring all those years, from habits, old memories, friends, situations, the story I was telling about my life and all I ‘ve been through. She wouldn’t accept any negative vibes for whatever reason, as she was suffering deeply to see me in that state. In her mind, her King was alive. And that picture had to remain true in her eyes. So she did anything to bring in the surface anything I was doing which promoted any kind of energetic distortion, therefore wobbling and unwanted results.

  These and so many other lessons I learned from my precious Twin Flame, from my Self.

Don’t forget that you are on a mission here. Someone is the 22 and the other will be the 33. Someone will be the Master Builder and the other the Master Teacher. Bless your Twin. Bless your Self.

#my22 #my33

by Alex “Angel” Ftoulis



What I Learned From my Personal Twin Flame Experience (part 1)

  I would like to begin by pointing on the importance of labeling relationships with names or ideas that we might don’t conceive or comprehend. In my own case, I didn’t know what Twin Flames, False Twin Flames, Karmic Flames or whatever kind of “flame” was out there. I had a great knowledge on spiritualism but I never gave emphasis on those kinds of relationships. What I experienced, words or terms can’t describe it for sure and by far. You can try, but you will never make it. It’s unreal, magic & dark beyond possible imagination.

This relationship has nothing to do with love the way we had it in our mind & at the end of the day is nothing but a raw machine of psychosomatic transformation, it begins magically to draw you in & it turns emotionless, remorseless, without any reason or excuse other than that of a greater lesson.

And when I see articles like “How to attract your Twin Flame” I am like… omg seriously? Did actually somebody write a guide to go into THAT much hassle? Cause ladies & gents, these relationships ain’t for the faint of heart cause it’s not sunshine & rainbows & it will never be.

About my personal experience regarding the dynamics, (bubble phase – runner & chaser – push & pull etc) I will go in detail in a different article as here I am about to focus on the raw lessons I had from my personal Twin Flame encounter, though her presence but also through her channeling. We shall always thank, love & respect our Twin no matter what they did to us, no matter who they are with and whatever current state of development they are.

The Most Important Lessons My Twin Taught Me:

1) Love unconditionally. Everyone and anything, with the same intensity as I loved her. That was her request. It was impossible for me. How much I loved her couldn’t be measured by anything. And not only that but you have to do that to yourself, right? And you say, OK, nice! It might sound easy and logical but we don’t actually love ourselves when we compromise with relationships or situations which promote negative emotions and experiences. And that means you have to let her go too… As a part of that lesson… Also our addictions but even our procrastination and excuses is a sign that we don’t love us the way we suppose to. Your Twin will not take anything else and will push each and every button for you to see where you don’t efficiently love your precious self. Go out and have some fun, enjoy life to the fullest.

2) No more self-pity. The stories we keep telling about how fuc*ed up our lives are or was for whatever reason and the wounds that we keep “re-applying” to ourselves must end now. So the Twin will do anything to make you feel the victim so you will stop projecting that picture by your own. Victimization comes from guilt traps which belong to the past and forgiving ourselves, others and moving forward is more than essential.

3) Raise safe boundaries. Your “walls” are in a way a good measure of protecting yourself ONLY when are there due to matters of constructive choice and NOT by fear of getting hurt or rejected! In my case, she came and told me : “I came to heal you, I will break these walls and go inside. And you will do the same to me…” And we both tried so hard…  Little we knew what was about to follow… But that process helped me see the barriers of love we have within based on old wounds, perceptions, belief systems and so on and so on. This helped me see even further that you should never allow anyone to mess with you, bully you or use you by any mean. This is your life and you need to value it before looking to relate with other people (projections). Raising safe boundaries and insisting only on what you want, NOT what life brings through our inability to stabilize our thoughts and vibrations, is a healthy way to keep a state pace ahead, TILL we manage to…

4) …control completely our emotions. The manifestation is so highly increased that everything manifests. Every little thing. You see you are in love a great power, which manifests nice beautiful things we love. WE love as everyone though or as in person, what satisfies only us? Also another part of the ego will play a big role on trying to explain and justify your Twins actions and reactions. So the “assumption game” begins. And if the assumption is negative and the energy turns from love to worry and fear, then all the rest of the known scenario begins to unfold. So…

5) Never but never make assumptions. And I mean never and I also mean about anything. Whatever seems gold now can turn to ashes next minute, the most “Evil” might be the most precious “Angelic” and the cruelest situations can hide the biggest treasures. Her actions didn’t (and still doesn’t) make any sense at all. I used to judge her while she was running out of fear of the intensity of love. It took me a while to realize how she felt and to excuse her every action. So don’t start judging. ONLY LOVE.

6)Your need to escape is simply avoiding yourself. That’s also a classic case of the runner & chaser stage which I experienced the biggest part of it, one day before my birthday, where after she was lost for no reason for 1 and a half month, came to tell me she was leaving for abroad for a 3 weeks which turned to be 5 months, with no contact, no explanation, nothing. And she did what she was afraid I was about to do at the beginning of our relationship where my own escapism created the initial reaction of the runner stage. Dealing with your issues and change what you can and accept what you can’t change is how you make a healthy stable progress in life. And Twins are here to lead the new paradigm in Love so they have to become ready for their missions, through all these processes.

7)YOU are your best friend. No-one will ever be able to fulfill your happiness if you are not complete within first. Twin Flames come into each other lives, they create this huge unbreakable bond with all that immense happiness at the beginning and then they leave, and you don’t know how to be happy again. And so you go in silence, with meditation, with inwardness, with anything that will distract your attention in order to deal with all these emotions and pain that comes up when you are left literally half broken behind wondering why for one more time. Taking time alone is what we both of us did, in order to deal with our issues and learn how to be happy (or at least try) without the need of anyone or anything.

(to be continued…)

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Magick 101: Planetary Hours and Their Magnificent Powers

  “I am presenting you the new Magick 101 series! Here I will unfold my personal knowledge on Magic and Occultism in a easy to understand way so everyone can taste the unbelievable science behind Magic. I will post randomly the main elements and tools of interaction of the Wizard(Microcosm) with the Universe(Macrocosm) and the science behind that. I will though, keep, for the safety of everyone, the dark part of this science hidden from public access.” Alex “Angel” Ftoulis

Planetary Hours (When each hour has certain attributes and powers)

The ancient ones, in order to accurately calculate the planetary hours, they used to start counting when the sun was rising, so if it was Sunday early morning it was the Sun’s first hour. If it was Monday, at sun rise it would be the first hour of Moon, so on and so on. So when they wanted to practice certain activities or magic, they would choose the most proper hour according to the theme of the work they were about to do. So if for example were about to do a spell for love, the best hour and day to do that it would have been Friday (Venus), on the Venus hour. The sequence of the planetary hours goes like this. Sun – Venus – Mercury – Moon – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars.

Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.

dcrLapKoiJupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).

017294-black-ink-grunge-stamp-textures-icon-symbols-shapes-female-symbol2-sc48.pngMars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.

polynesian_tattoo_meanings_Sun_design_sample.jpgSun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty – making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss, authorities.

017296-black-ink-grunge-stamp-textures-icon-symbols-shapes-male-symbol3.pngVenus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals / exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamental; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments; seeking favors from women.

1a8e47f5142c4bde3001f89a7df87dcfMercury Hours: Success in studies / communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching / learning; important business letters / phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying / selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications / interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.

scv__z_w_e_i___s_moon_by_amanda18sato-d50ow45.pngMoon Hours: Health; home (buying home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or takeoff); activities remote in time or space – meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from mother, wife, employees.

4 Ways to Overcome the Twin Flame Energy Dynamics

  b2eaebb3a3758acceff6fa2403115f78.jpgIf you are already in a Twin Flame relationship or even Karmic and the “show” has begun, then you will know what “Twin Flame energy dynamics” are for real!

The push-pull dynamic where you feel the extreme longing for your Twin Flame while they run away, reflecting your own need to avoid responsibilities or your escapism mentality while they are afraid not to be “enough” for you.

The stage where confusion becomes the most dormant sensation in your reality. Where pain replaces each and every breath of yours, where your silent screams replace the normal stream of thoughts…

(Click to read  >>> Twin Flames – “NOT your casual lover”.)

  A crazy exchange of energies which sometimes – if they are not transmuted properly for the sake of growth- can be harmful and completely unnecessary as they become signs of self-victimization & self-abuse.

  From my personal experience these stages can be extremely difficult to cope with, as you HAVE to go through this for a gazillion of “Ascension & spiritual growth” reasons, unless of-course you “surrender” but how you actually do this?

(Click to read  >>> Can you handle this? Before asking for a Twin Flame)

  Here are the 4 most effective things to do while you are under the influence of those energies:

1)Morning “momentum”

As Abraham Hicks teaches, we need 68 seconds to form a basic energetic pattern (negative or positive) based on the flow of our thoughts and therefore emotions. So first thing in the morning, we make sure that ALL of our thoughts and emotions are going to have a positive character.

Many of the Twin Flames (or any encounter of such kind of relationship), they know the immerse pain on their heart chakra when they wake up in the morning. So I found out a relatively easy way to do this. 

  I imagine my self sitting on a big comfy chair and at the same time I am within my body and inside my heart chakra (like I sit inside my chest). I try to keep my focus within me and breath deeply while I remain in a meditative state.

  This will help you center and remain at ease while you are raising from your bed. Next thing you must immediately do is to start “self empowering incantations” (article to follow soon!) in order to bring back the attention to YOU and reclaim your lost faith in your awesomeness!

 (Click to read  >>> Whats in your head?)

2)Meditation – Inwardness

The most actually important element which works, is removing the thought stream or at least ease it.

  This is called inwardness, removing the attention from what “is” and putting your focus in the moment of now, without being distracted by the exterior factors. Or even from the stories you created from the old perception point of view. 

  You can simply start exercising meditation by just sitting on a chair with a straight spine and just carefully watch your breath while you inhale cold air comes in and while you exhale hot air comes out!

  “Aaaand relax… Your muscles are now relaxing… Breathing deeper and deeper… You already feel more relaxed, your arms feel heavier and heavier… You will now…”  oooh ok I will stop it! 😛

  For people who are already familiar with the subject of meditation (actually most of the real Twins are) they can use the advanced version I personally created for better and more effective results. My experience taught me that situations and energy dynamics like these, need a different, deeper approach as they carry a heavier load due to their function to transmute the individuals involved in ANY way possible. 

3)Volunteering – Offering

One of the main purposes of the appearance of your Twin Flame in your life, is the awakening OR the “go back to your mission, stronger and better” calling. No matter how much we want to believe and dream in the romantic aspect of that relationship is mostly a waste of time. 

  So if you really wanna feel better within you, you must do the same thing to someone else. You might ask me “how the hell am I gonna help someone, when I am broken in a million pieces?” Yes you are somehow right but in a mysterious divine way, when you go for it and willing to help someone not to go through what you ‘ve been through, then the Grace of God (Universe, Ether, Love u name it) will support you and also give back to you the love, which will help you go through this stage.

  Go out there and offer, offer anything, from a plate of food, a smile, a hug, a service of love. Do anything that will make someone else happy. This is how you are going to get happy too! 


Going into isolation mode, is c86f69707a7402fcb1a199477f001127.jpgthe first thing someone does when they go through distressful situations. Defense mechanisms rise from everywhere to support your wounded self from getting into trouble again. 

  So you lock up. You return back to that little cave of yours…

  But thats NOT what you are supposed to do. The key is going out there, find new people, socialize, have some fun! Go and dance in a club and if noone does (like in my case) then go upfront and make a start. And keep on dancing, enjoying the moment, feeling alive and stronger than before. Simply because you are! Just keep the momentum going, remember, you are a leader, you need to act like one and take control of the amazing vibes you can project!

  Try to be most of the time among other people, take your laptop, go to a cafe and study instead of staying inside the house, go to a local event, a music concert or seminar, avoid keeping yourself locked in a place where thoughts can easily take over and overwhelm you. 

  So my dear ones, use everything you have in your disposal to stay away from any negative energy, respect and love yourself truly, as your Twin Flame came to teach you. Namaste 🙂

You are not cursed. Here is what actually happens.

bad-luck-6.jpgDon’t you think you had enough all these years? With you? Always accepting less and less, always excusing your bad luck and misery with a ton of nonsensical reasons like “i am cursed“, “it’s my mothers fault“, “there is crisis (of some sort)” and so on and so on.
And all these are thee due to the inability of proper action due to the lack of hope or faith mainly product of your own boredom and programming. And for the action to come. tumblr_noo2cvLMLg1skltbdo1_500.gifmotivation must be there. Reasons must exist there which will be powerful enough to inspire and motivate you.

Soooo, ladies and gents, most of you lack the proper reasons or what you are focused on isn’t satisfying enough and you know why? Cause most of you are focusing on what you… lack, with the hope that by getting it you will be complete. I want love, therefore it means I feel like I don’t have it or I am not getting enough of it.

So your emptiness will manifest more of that. We focus on money not by the aspect of I have enough and plenty but from the view of “how am I gonna do this while I don’t have enough money” etc etc.

Therefore your energetic blueprint vibrates a ton of unnecessary junk  thought processes which say that you are unlovable and poor. Perfect.

change.jpgInstead of letting your unfulfilled desires rule your subconscious, why don’t you make a pact with yourself to go out and live more and be in the moment mindfully with everything you have? Huh? Isn’t it about time to start working on that self esteem by actually doing things? Instead of looking for things you don’t believe you can have, because you deeply know you are unworthy of that beautiful person, guilty about having these money and possessions, why waste your time instead of investing it on you?

YOU are the only asset you have in life to begin with. From you everything begins and ends. So start asking yourself.
-Are you blaming and judging others instead of taking responsibilities?
-Do you constantly find excuses in order to avoid doing what you must?
-Do you feel good with your self? With your body, with your career and life?
-Are you brave enough to admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness and do actual things  to change your self and vibes?
-Are you disciplined enough to control your urge to allow people who deliberate hurt you to exist in your life? Can you say no to them? Do you know how to put safe boundaries in your relationships? 
-Are you investing in your self enough? Do you stick to your goals no matter what? 

Life is about creating. Yes. Creating your own life. Hmm…

At first you are the victim of the circumstances and the lack of knowledge of how life works. You are blaming your parents, you are taking for granted some “bad” moments and you think all of your life will be like that, therefore you keep on repeating the same story over and over again. That’s the first trap of life. Old karmic debts which comes at the early stages of our lives through our dysfunctional families or illnesses, build up the impression of bad luck or damnation which will keep on repeating in your reality if you don’t consciously stop believing in this scenario.
You can actually take control of your life and point it towards where you want and you know how? Advance. Progress. Grow. The solution to your problems is not inside your problem! Is above that frequency. Your situation remains the same WHEN YOU REMAIN THE SAME!
Your body formed the current pattern of frequency through the extensive repetition of thought-forms and emotions (which were amplified by those thoughts) based on your perception and your experiences.
So therefore, to change this pattern and eventually your life you need to change first of all your main perception by increasing your knowledge and off-course how you see things in life generally. One great and very important key to anything in life is deep meditation.
Combined with the proper visualization it can become a tool of change and growth like no other.
It is in the vicinity of our own capabilities and abilities to go out there and achieve anything and everything your minds can conceive. Do your self a favor and stop excusing whatever causes turmoil, sadness, stagnation or limitation and find ways to overcome all of these by utilizing all that is available to you, helpful articles, gym, coaches and counselors, change your diet, do stuff. Even something small can signify the movement towards a new life, a life full of faith and amazing moments which will happen because YOU made them happen, by changing your self!

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