Category Archives: random

You are not cursed. Here is what actually happens.

bad-luck-6.jpgDon’t you think you had enough all these years? With you? Always accepting less and less, always excusing your bad luck and misery with a ton of nonsensical reasons like “i am cursed“, “it’s my mothers fault“, “there is crisis (of some sort)” and so on and so on.
And all these are thee due to the inability of proper action due to the lack of hope or faith mainly product of your own boredom and programming. And for the action to come. tumblr_noo2cvLMLg1skltbdo1_500.gifmotivation must be there. Reasons must exist there which will be powerful enough to inspire and motivate you.

Soooo, ladies and gents, most of you lack the proper reasons or what you are focused on isn’t satisfying enough and you know why? Cause most of you are focusing on what you… lack, with the hope that by getting it you will be complete. I want love, therefore it means I feel like I don’t have it or I am not getting enough of it.

So your emptiness will manifest more of that. We focus on money not by the aspect of I have enough and plenty but from the view of “how am I gonna do this while I don’t have enough money” etc etc.

Therefore your energetic blueprint vibrates a ton of unnecessary junk  thought processes which say that you are unlovable and poor. Perfect.

change.jpgInstead of letting your unfulfilled desires rule your subconscious, why don’t you make a pact with yourself to go out and live more and be in the moment mindfully with everything you have? Huh? Isn’t it about time to start working on that self esteem by actually doing things? Instead of looking for things you don’t believe you can have, because you deeply know you are unworthy of that beautiful person, guilty about having these money and possessions, why waste your time instead of investing it on you?

YOU are the only asset you have in life to begin with. From you everything begins and ends. So start asking yourself.
-Are you blaming and judging others instead of taking responsibilities?
-Do you constantly find excuses in order to avoid doing what you must?
-Do you feel good with your self? With your body, with your career and life?
-Are you brave enough to admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness and do actual things  to change your self and vibes?
-Are you disciplined enough to control your urge to allow people who deliberate hurt you to exist in your life? Can you say no to them? Do you know how to put safe boundaries in your relationships? 
-Are you investing in your self enough? Do you stick to your goals no matter what? 

Life is about creating. Yes. Creating your own life. Hmm…

At first you are the victim of the circumstances and the lack of knowledge of how life works. You are blaming your parents, you are taking for granted some “bad” moments and you think all of your life will be like that, therefore you keep on repeating the same story over and over again. That’s the first trap of life. Old karmic debts which comes at the early stages of our lives through our dysfunctional families or illnesses, build up the impression of bad luck or damnation which will keep on repeating in your reality if you don’t consciously stop believing in this scenario.
You can actually take control of your life and point it towards where you want and you know how? Advance. Progress. Grow. The solution to your problems is not inside your problem! Is above that frequency. Your situation remains the same WHEN YOU REMAIN THE SAME!
Your body formed the current pattern of frequency through the extensive repetition of thought-forms and emotions (which were amplified by those thoughts) based on your perception and your experiences.
So therefore, to change this pattern and eventually your life you need to change first of all your main perception by increasing your knowledge and off-course how you see things in life generally. One great and very important key to anything in life is deep meditation.
Combined with the proper visualization it can become a tool of change and growth like no other.
It is in the vicinity of our own capabilities and abilities to go out there and achieve anything and everything your minds can conceive. Do your self a favor and stop excusing whatever causes turmoil, sadness, stagnation or limitation and find ways to overcome all of these by utilizing all that is available to you, helpful articles, gym, coaches and counselors, change your diet, do stuff. Even something small can signify the movement towards a new life, a life full of faith and amazing moments which will happen because YOU made them happen, by changing your self!

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Only love for us

fd3474d02046294795765091dd56ae1dLove. The energy signature of God. All of our lives we seek for it, we dedicate our whole lives on finding the right one, we go from heartbreak to heartbreak and so on and so on. We seek it in our parents, in our friends, in everything. And when we don’t find what we “think” it will makes us happy, all the kinds of discord begin with the urge of blaming, criticizing and extreme neediness.

“They are my parents, they supposed to love me and do all that is good for me”. “She is my girl, she is supposed to call me every hour.” “He didn’t send me a message, it means he has other priorities, I come second” etc etc. All the mambo jumbo of the Ego arises on the surface when our “needs” are not meant. I need this3744b1b12f05fdccd04a764a1a490e8e.jpg to be happy, I need to be approved, I need to be heard, I need to be loved.

Need creates more need and therefore deeper issues and problems.  Bigger the needs, bigger the gap.  Love you see is an energy which resides within everything. We have the capacity to even love ourselves and feel complete and at ease! You see you don’t need something external, you only need to hear yourself and BECOME the love you want to experience!

When you focus on people who YOU think they don’t love you, then you will amplify this creating even MORE of the confusion and the chaos, making it even more difficult to believe in anything else, as what you believe and focus tends to grow huge. Remove your attention from the perception of “this is this and because of that it must do this” therefore some things, some scenarios and some people “must” have the love essence towards you.

When 071a106ff15949b114cbd4829f77f319we need to be approved and accepted it means in a deeper sense that WE need to accept and approve ourselves so we will NOT need the approval of anyone.

How uniqueness would exist if everything was lovable, beautiful, ideal and the same? How could we develop and progress when we are approved while we need to see in depth what needs to change and act accordingly?

Love is the final step on the “ladder of virtues”, the most difficult virtue to attain, the one that resides to the realm of God Himself. The life itself is a journey through the peeling of the layers of programming in order to accept, give and finally BECOME love.

Be humble my friend, always love with all your force and 77 times forgive and let go. Love is by far the strongest weapon and is used correctly only by the bravest of this planet. Give, give and give always. And when someone gives ANYTHING to you even at that time seems not satisfying or enough just take it and be grateful. Accepting love comes from the humbleness of not expectation, of the appreciation of EVERYTHING that is given to us and from recognizing the walls of egoic2013224342-mondaymantra2 pride which makes love impossible to come as these walls have “statements” of which kind of love is permitted to come inside. We usually look for love to come through family, beautiful handsome lovers and amazing friends. Love comes from everywhere and always. Look. Even now. The moment you are having, reading this article, breathing and having the chance to be alive. This is Love. The kind of love that is so subtle but it the main reason you are alive. So appreciate. Appreciate this moment that is full of love.

Call a friend. Send a message. Say sorry. Create a beautiful moment for someone, or even for you. Namaste. Love is the Law. Love Under Will.

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Eclipses 101.The tool of the Gods.

tumblr_m6x4la2Gj61qffkwto1_500.jpgOh the holy power of Mother Moon! And her strength and effectiveness to those who know to use  her energies? A treasure of the few.

Blessed be the ones who have the knowledge to nurture and use her powerful and potent energies to do good.

I remember back in the days the many times that I used her benevolent and really powerful energies to get rid of unwanted situations or people and stop unwanted circles from repeating. And on the Eclipses…Yes. The Eclipses. The Lunar ones that take precious female people from your life and the Solar ones that are focused on the male part. Yes these ones. That trigger a 6 month period of GREAT change or sometimes recovering from THAT change that happened before!

A surreal situation with sudden and surprising changes that are the “focal point” of your attention x100 times, so the question is …where are your thoughts focusing so long? On the “lack” aspect or on the “LUCK” aspect? tumblr_static_luckymi.jpg

But this time if you actually really need to get “rid” of anyone who’s on your nerves and for a thousand reasons you are not meant to be together, then your focal point of attention will not bring results on removing them but instead will amplify things to the worst. The necessity of a reasonable and conscious approach but also the use of the proper ceremony/ritual is essential on harnessing and directing the energies of the Moon properly. A trained mind on meditation is way easier to do that but during the Eclipses anyone can have a significant effect by using their mind and words properly. But where? I will tell you exactly large.jpgwhere you need to put your attention.(no pun intended!) NOT on the people or circumstances BUT in the inner reasons and mindset that actually manifest your reality AND all those people and reasons!

What is your inner “need” or vulnerability that keep you locked in these unwanted repeating patterns over and over again?

Eclipses are not a toy on the hands of the uninitiated. You need to examine your thoughts and your intentions really carefully before you attain anything and in a depth of profound tumblr_static_tumblr_static_filename_640.jpgawareness that wasn’t in your cards before.

So for me, Eclipses are the best and the most effective tool for personal development that can save you years of training but it can also remove unwanted scenarios from your life and boost your life forward.

Especially this one, on the 11th of February (2:34 am Nic-CY) which is surrounded with all the Fire energies, it will give a momentum of unknown proportions to those who are full on and moving from before. You can also use the energies of these Eclipses by yourself and also with the help of the professionals, to ensure success and make the best out of everything in your life. Remember. You only live once. Might the eclipse take the unwanted away and bring the blessings to all of us. Namaste.

(I personally create deeply custom occult sigils for manifesting based on each clients personal data – I create the drawing and you have also the option to digitize it with an extra cost >> contact me personally at my FB page)

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The path to Genius

ea07_periodic_geniusFirst of all if you began reading this article, first reason its your infinite curiosity, second you might know me and yes you are curious about what I think and third you might belong to that rare group of people who are into a certain path of progress in a more conscious way and you were attracted by the title, by your need for more development.

This particular mechanism of self “initiation” into the path of self development does not exist on everyone. Genetically wise that is, which is based on the re-incarnation progress of the large.gifindividual which is afterwards imprinted on the DNA molecular structure. A combination of individual fights with Ego while trying to overcome its obscurities and abnormalities while moving towards the realization of our Godliness. This is how you gain knowledge.

>>Through repetitive lessons that change your perception, and then by the repeated habitual pattern of the new information and habit you change your neuro-linguistic programming which then has as immediate effect on your Matrix by projecting the new info on the ether.

Yes. Sound strange perhaps but this is the whole reality in a sentence. Hundreds of thousands of reincarnations that train your perception in order to receive the beautiful subtle energies of the Cosmos. And then once you get rid of all these layers of the Egoic structure you are able to receive these energies and then use them to create life (through ideas, products, services that all eventually benefit mankind).

But these energies are hidden under layers of endless excuses and avoidance, procrastination and longing of sexual and material desires and belongings, things that the tumblr_static_tumblr_static_ef77l94og1kw80w4gg0c8w4wg_640Ego, our free willed self is here to taste and experience.

While you are “tasting” though the Life’s joys and sorrows, there is always a lesson hidden in every moment that will lead you higher in the consciousness ranking, something your real Higher self longs for. Something YOU signed for, before re-incarnating to this plane of existence .

SOOooooo….! If you start taking the lesson and move ON instead of staying stuck to the moment, desire, material possession, relationship, memories etc, you will eventually have significant progress and later you will simply realize that THIS is the authentic path to Genius. Cause Genius (Djin – a spirit often capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people) is our transformation to a being of many capabilities and advanced skills that has an immediate effect on our surroundings and especially on people.

So one more aspect of the Genius is to be able to integrate himself in the Mass while he is different by a far degree and his connection with his fellow beings will have a significant loss in communication and their ability to understand and feel him will be at the bottom of the chart. Therefore the path of becoming a Djin is composed by the rational and the intellectual advancement which is also accompanied by thetumblr_inline_nam2hoTjM81so10o6.gif ethical and moral code and its apply in everyday life, after we solidely accepted the concept of every moral code we come to learn through our Earthly experience.

So just keep the thirst for knowledge and expansion and put the important factor of “discipline” into play and you are full on. The Universe will get you there as long as you dont go into a stagnation mode. So be active. In every level of your experience.

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Ορφικός ύμνος Φύσεως – Hymn for Mother Nature

Ώ θεά Φύσι, μητέρα των πάντων, πολυμήχανη μητέρα, επουράνια, σεβαστή θεά πού κτίζεις τα πάντα, βασίλισσα εσύ δαμάζεις τα πάντα, είσαι ακατανίκητος, εσύ κυβερνάς, λάμπεις πολύ. είσαι ή κυρία των πάντων, πάντοτε τιμημένα ό υπεράνω όλων θεός·
είσαι αθάνατη, πρωτότοκος, παναρχαία και εις τους άνδρας παρέχεις δοξαν νυκτερινή, έχεις μεγαλην πείραν φέρεις το φως δυσκόλως καθησυχάζεις, και περιελίσσεις αθόρυβα τα ίχνη των ποδιών σου (περιπατείς αθόρυβα). Είσαι αγνή, διατάσσεις τους θεούς, είσαι το τέλος, χωρίς να έχης τέλος είσαι κοινή εις όλα (μετέχεις εις τα πάντα), αλλά μόνον εις έσέ δεν συμμετέχει τίποτε είσαι ή ίδία πατέρας του εαυτού σου (εγεννήθης αφ εαυτής), διότι πατέρα δεν έχεις, είσαι και αρσενική και πολυμήχανη και πάρα πολύ μεγάλη ανθηρά, περιπλέκεις τα πάντα, είσαι φίλη, αναμειγνύεις τα πάντα καί είσαι έμπειρος οδηγός, κυβερνήτις φέρεις ζωήν είσαι κόρη πού τρέφεις τα πάντα, αυτάρκεια. Δίκη είσαι η πειθώ των Χαρίτων με πολλά ονόματα αιθέρια (διάγεις εις τον αιθέρα), επίγειος αρχόντισσα καί θαλασσινή πικρή μεν για τους φαύλους, αλλά γλυκεία εις εκείνους που πείθονται εις σέ σοφή εις όλα, παρέχεις τα πάντα τρέφεις τα πάντα και τα αυξάνεις, λιπαρά (άφθονα), καί απελευθερώνεις, καταστρέφεις, εκείνα πού ωριμάζουν, που πεθαίνουν
συ είσαι πατέρας των πάντων καί επίσης μητέρα τροφός καί βυζάστρα βοηθάς εις την παραγωγήν των προϊόντων, μακαρία, έχεις πολλά σπέρματα (είσαι καρποφόρος), καί γίνεσαι στον καιρό πού πρέπει. Ορμή (δραστηριοποιείσαι).
καιρό πού πρέπει, ορμή (δραστηριοποιείσαι), δημιουργείς τα πάντα, είσαι πλάστρα, κτίζεις πολλά, σεβαστή θεά αιωνία, φέρεις την κίνησιν. έχεις πολλήν πείραν, είσαι συνετή· καί κινείσαι σαν γρήγορο ρεύμα με αδιάκοπον στροβιλισμόν διαρρέεις από παντού, κινείσαι κυκλικώς καί διαρκώς μεταβάλλεις μορφήν έχεις ώραίον θρόνον, τιμημένη, μόνον εσύ εκτελείς εκείνο πού απεφασίσθη, καί κρατείς το σκήπτρον (κυβερνάς) από επάνω, καί βροντάς δυνατά, συ ή ισχυρότατη· ατρόμητη, πού δαμάζεις τα πάντα, ή προωρισμένη μοίρα,πού αποπνέεις φωτιά αιωνία ζωή καί αθάνατη πρόνοια τα πάντα είσαι εσύ διότι μόνη σου εσύ κατασκευάζεις (δημιουργείς) όλα αυτά. Αλλά σε παρακαλώ, θεά μου, να μας φέρης μαζί με τις ευτυχισμένες ώρες (εποχές) ειρήνην, υγείαν καί αύξησιν (πολλαπλασιασμόν) τών πάντων.

Ὦ Φύσι, παμμήτειρα θεά, πολυμήχανε μῆτερ, οὐρανία, πρέσβειρα, πολύκτιτε δαῖμον, ἄνασσα, πανδαμάτωρ, ἀδάμαστε, κυβερνήτειρα, παναυγής, παντοκράτειρα, † τιτιμενέα πανυπέρτατε πᾶσιν ἄφθιτε, πρωτογένεια, παλαίφατε, κυδιάνειρα, ἐννυχία, πολύτειρε, σελασφόρε, δεινοκαθέκτι, ἄψοφον ἀστραγάλοισι ποδῶν ἴχνος εἱλίσσουσα, ἁγνή, κοσμήτειρα θεῶν ἀτελής τε τελευτή, κοινὴ μὲν πάντεσσιν, ἀκοινώνητε δὲ μούνη, αὐτοπάτωρ, ἀπάτωρ, ἐρατή, † πολύγηθε, μεγίστη, εὐάνθεια, πλοκή, φιλία, πολύμικτε, δαῆμον, ἡγεμόνη, κράντειρα, φερέσβιε, παντρόφε κούρη, αὐτάρκεια, δίκη, Χαρίτων πολυώνυμε πειθώ, αἰθερία, χθονία καὶ εἰναλία μεδέουσα,   πικρὰ μέν φαύλοισι, γλυκεῖα δὲ πειθομένοισι, πάνσοφε, πανδώτειρα, κομίστρια, παμβασίλεια, αὐξιτρόφος, πίειρα πεπαινομένων τε λύτειρα. πάντων μὲν σὺ πατήρ, μήτηρ, τροφὸς ἠδὲ τιθηνός, ὠκυλόχεια, μάκαιρα, πολύσπορος, ὡριὰς ὁρμή, παντοτεχνές, πλάστειρα, πολύκτιτε, † ποντία δαῖμον, ἀιδία, κινησιφόρε, πολύπειρε, περίφρων, ἀενάωι στροφάλιγγι θοὸν ῥύμα δινεύουσα, πάνρυτε, κυκλοτερής, ἀλλοτριομορφοδίαιτε, εὔθρονε, τιμήεσσα, μόνη τὸ κριθὲν τελέουσα, σκηπτούχων ἐφύπερθε βαρυβρεμέτειρα κρατίστη, ἄτρομε, πανδαμάτειρα, πεπρωμένη, αἶσα, πυρίπνους, ἀίδιος ζωὴ ἠδ᾽ ἀθανάτη τε πρόνοια· πάντα σύ ἐσσι, ἄνασσα· σὺ γὰρ μούνη τάδε τεύχεις.   ἀλλά, θεά, λίτομαί σε † σὺν εὐόλβοισιν † ἐν ὥραις εἰρήνην ὑγίειαν ἄγειν, αὔξησιν ἁπάντων.Nature-Goddess-l.jpg

Nature [Phusis], all parent, ancient, and divine, O Much-mechanic mother, art is thine;
Heav’nly, abundant, venerable queen, in ev’ry part of thy dominions seen.
Untam’d, all-taming, ever splendid light, all ruling, honor’d, and supremly bright.
Immortal, first-born [Protogeneia], ever still the same, nocturnal, starry, shining, glorious dame.
Thy feet’s still traces in a circling course, by thee are turn’d, with unremitting force.
Pure ornament of all the pow’rs divine, finite and infinite alike you shine;
To all things common and in all things known, yet incommunicable and alone.
Without a father of thy wond’rous frame, thyself the father whence thy essence came.
All-flourishing, connecting, mingling soul, leader and ruler of this mighty whole.
Life-bearer, all-sustaining, various nam’d, and for commanding grace and beauty fam’d.
Justice, supreme in might, whose general sway the waters of the restless deep obey.
Ætherial, earthly, for the pious glad, sweet to the good, but bitter to the bad.
All-wife, all bounteous, provident, divine, a rich increase of nutriment is thine;
Father of all, great nurse, and mother kind, abundant, blessed, all-spermatic mind:
Mature, impetuous, from whose fertile seeds and plastic hand, this changing scene proceeds.
All-parent pow’r, to mortal eyes unseen, eternal, moving, all-sagacious queen.
By thee the world, whose parts in rapid flow, like swift descending streams, no respite know,
On an eternal hinge, with steady course is whirl’d, with matchless, unremitting force.
Thron’d on a circling car, thy mighty hand holds and directs, the reins of wide command.
Various thy essence, honor’d, and the best, of judgement too, the general end and test.
Intrepid, fatal, all-subduing dame, life-everlasting, Parca, breathing flame.
Immortal, Providence, the world is thine, and thou art all things, architect divine.
O blessed Goddess, hear thy suppliant’s pray’r, and make my future life, thy constant care;
Give plenteous seasons, and sufficient wealth, and crown my days with lasting, peace and health.
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